what impacted the Arab-Israeli wars have on the United States in the 1970s?

A .Support for Israel fill in the United States

B. closure of the red sea shipping lanes hurt American businesses

C. OPEC nations stop oil shipment to the United States

D. the United States sent military forces to help Israel***


Your answer is wrong, BTW.

oh, i think its a?(it was my second choice)

What impact did the Arab-Israeli Wars have on the United States in the 1970s?

A. Support for Israel fell in the United States.
B. Closure of the Red Sea shipping lanes hurt American business.
C. OPEC nations stopped oil shipments to the United States.
D. The United States sent military forces to help Israel.

The correct answer is C. OPEC nations stopped oil shipments to the United States. The Arab-Israeli conflicts had a significant impact on the global oil market, leading to a decrease in oil production from OPEC countries, and ultimately an oil embargo against the United States in 1973. This caused a significant rise in oil prices and an energy crisis in the United States.

In the 1970s, the Arab-Israeli wars had various impacts on the United States. Here's a breakdown of the options you provided:

A. Support for Israel filled in the United States: This statement suggests that the United States provided increased support to Israel during the Arab-Israeli wars in the 1970s, and this is correct. The United States has historically been a strong ally of Israel, and during this period, the U.S. increased its military, diplomatic, and economic aid to Israel.

B. Closure of the Red Sea shipping lanes hurt American businesses: While the Arab-Israeli wars did create some disruptions in the region, there is no evidence to suggest that the closure of the Red Sea shipping lanes directly impacted American businesses in the 1970s. Therefore, this statement is not accurate.

C. OPEC nations stop oil shipment to the United States: This is a significant impact of the Arab-Israeli wars on the United States during the 1970s. Following the Yom Kippur War in 1973, which involved Arab oil-producing countries, several members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) imposed an oil embargo on the United States and other nations that were seen as supporting Israel. This resulted in a significant increase in oil prices and led to an energy crisis in the United States.

D. The United States sent military forces to help Israel: While the United States did provide military assistance to Israel during the Arab-Israeli wars, there is no evidence to suggest that the U.S. sent military forces directly to the region to participate in combat operations. Therefore, this statement is not accurate.

To summarize, the correct answers regarding the impacts of the Arab-Israeli wars on the United States in the 1970s are:

A. Support for Israel filled in the United States
C. OPEC nations stop oil shipment to the United States