The mean of seven positive integers is 16. When the smallest of these seven integers is removed, the sum of the remaining six integers is 108. What is the value of the integer that was removed?

You guys smell like poo

Doesn't say anything about the numbers being in an arithmetic sequence

total of the seven numbers = 6(16) = 112
total of six numbers after one was removed = 108
number removed must have been 4

No Arithmetic Sequence Involved In Solving Process

mean of seven positive integers = 16

Total Sum of Seven Numbers- 7 (16) = 112
Small Integer Removed - 108 (Mean)
112 - 108 = 4
The difference is equivalent to 4.

[ n+ (n+2) + (n+4) + .....(n+12) ] /7 = 16

[ (n+2) + (n+4) + .... (n+12) ] = 108
well, multiply the first one by 7
[ n+ (n+2) + (n+4) + .....(n+12) ] = 16*7 = 112
[ (n+2) + (n+4) + .... (n+12) ] = 108
n = 112 - 108

I read even numbers so increased by 2 each time. Just do increase by 1

same system, same answer


You are welcome.