can anybody please tell me if the diagram to show anaphase 1 is a cell with the 4 genes at the top and 4 genes at the bottom, im struggling with this as there are many diagrams to choose but is this one correct

mant thanks

To determine if the diagram you described is correct, we need to understand the process of anaphase I in cell division. Anaphase I is a stage in meiosis, where homologous chromosomes separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.

During anaphase I, each chromosome is composed of two sister chromatids, and homologous chromosomes pair up. These paired chromosomes align at the metaphase plate, and then they segregate, with one chromosome from each pair moving to each pole of the cell.

Based on this understanding, a correct diagram for anaphase I should depict homologous chromosomes separating. The top of the diagram should show four chromosomes, each composed of two sister chromatids, while the bottom should show four separate chromosomes.

Keep in mind that there can be variations in the way diagrams are presented, so it's always best to consult a reliable source such as a biology textbook, scientific journal, or reputable educational website to ensure accuracy.