18 of Sue's muffins weigh the same as 15 of tom's muffins. How many of Sue's muffins weigh same as 7 of tom's muffins

since the ratio of weights is constant,

x/7 = 18/15

To find out how many of Sue's muffins weigh the same as 7 of Tom's muffins, we need to use the information given in the question.

It is given that 18 of Sue's muffins weigh the same as 15 of Tom's muffins. Therefore, the ratio is 18:15 or simplified, 6:5.

To determine the number of Sue's muffins that weigh the same as 7 of Tom's muffins, we can set up a proportion using the ratio:

6/5 = x/7

Cross-multiplying, we get:
6 * 7 = 5 * x

42 = 5x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 5:
42/5 = x
x = 8.4

Since we cannot have a fraction of a muffin, we can conclude that it would take 8 of Sue's muffins to weigh the same as 7 of Tom's muffins.