A turtle crawled 21 meters in 12 minutes. How long did it take her to crawl 14 meters if she crawled at the same rate the whole time????

21÷12= 1.75 meters per min so 14÷ by 1.75 is 8 min correct. Or am I way off if so please explain

21 metres in 12 minutes

--> 1 metre in 12/21 or 4/7 minutes
so in 14 metres ----- 14(4/7) minutes = 8 minutes
You are correct

or, you could just set up a simple proportion:
12/21 = x/14
21x = 168
x = 168/21 = 8

You are very close, but there seems to be a small calculation error. Let's break it down step by step to find the correct answer:

To find the speed of the turtle, we divide the distance (21 meters) by the time it took (12 minutes).
So, 21 ÷ 12 = 1.75 meters per minute.

Now, to find how long it would take her to crawl 14 meters at the same rate:
We divide the distance (14 meters) by the speed we just calculated (1.75 meters per minute).
So, 14 ÷ 1.75 = 8 minutes.

Therefore, you are correct! It would take the turtle 8 minutes to crawl 14 meters if she maintained the same speed. Good job!

Just tell me the answer I don't wanna explain it myself