Tips on taking notes are

Put a bunch of information on one card, put the author’s name first, and summarize everything.

Take accurate notes: don’t misinterpret the words, write facts to include examples, statistics, data and expert testimony, take quick notes by abbreviation and omitting unnecessary words and don’t put too much on one card.

Don’t put too much on one card, write down everything mentioned, do not include facts, examples, and data THIS ONE

Put every note taken in appear

2.You have plagiarized if you have

No page numbers where you found the facts, no quotation marks around quotes, no source credited with providing you with the information, and no work cited page. THIS ONE

Quotes around the author’s ideas, no in-text citation with the quote, and a work cited page.

Copied and pasted information from a website but listed the website on the works cited page

All of the above

3. Guidelines for a source card are

Give it a page number, record partial information, and place of publication

Give it an assigned source number

Give it an assigned source number, record full publishing information, the call number, and location of source

Give it an assigned source number, record partial publishing information, and a call number.

4. What is the correct citation for a book with one author?

P.D. Eastman. “Are You My Mother?” Beginner Books, 1960.

Eastman, P.D. Are You My Mother? Beginner Books: USA, 1960. THIS ONE

Eastman, P.D. Are You My Mother? USA, Beginner Books: 1960.

Eastman, P.D. Are You My Mother?. Beginner Books, 1960.

5. Which is the correct citation for a book by two or more authors?

Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. Indiana UP, 1979.

Roman, Jakobson, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. 1979. Indiana UP.

Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1979. THIS ONE

Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. Indiana UP, Bloomington: 1979.

1. I'd choose a different one.

2. I disagree.
3. ??
4. agree
5. agree

Okay. what about these

1. B
3. C

Yes, now I agree with all your choices now.

^ fake

To take effective notes, here are some tips:

1. Condense information: Try to put a lot of information in a concise manner on each note card. Start with the author's name and then summarize the key points.

2. Accuracy is crucial: Make sure your notes accurately represent the information you are gathering. Avoid misinterpreting words. Include facts, examples, statistics, data, and expert testimony.

3. Use abbreviations: Write your notes using abbreviations and omit unnecessary words to take quicker notes. However, be careful not to sacrifice accuracy for speed.

4. Avoid overcrowding: Don't put too much information on one note card, as it can make it hard to read and review later. Find a balance between conciseness and content.

5. Organize your notes: Keep all your notes in a logical order or sequence to easily refer back to them when needed.

Regarding plagiarism, here's how you can avoid it:

1. Include proper citations: Ensure that you provide page numbers when using facts from sources. Use quotation marks for direct quotes and give credit to the source.

2. Create a works cited page: Include a separate page at the end of your work where you list all the sources you used.

For creating source cards, follow these guidelines:

1. Assign source numbers: Give each source a unique identifier or number.

2. Record necessary information: Include partial or full publishing information, such as author names, publication dates, title of the source, and place of publication.

Now let's look at the correct citations for books:

1. For a book with one author: The correct citation format is Eastman, P.D. "Are You My Mother?" Beginner Books, 1960. Make sure to italicize or underline the book title and include the author's name, title, publisher, and year of publication.

2. For a book with two or more authors: The correct citation format is Jakobson, Roman, and Linda R. Waugh. The Sound Shape of Language. Indiana UP, 1979. Include all the authors' names, the book title, the publisher, and the year of publication.

Remember to refer to specific style guides, such as MLA or APA, for precise formatting instructions.