what is the latitude and longitude of australia and united states of america

Both countries are very large so we locate them by where the latitude and longitude lines cross about in the middle. As you can see from the map below, the middle of Australia is about 24 degrees South and 130 degrees East.

What do you think the approximate latitude and longitude of the U.S. is?



To find the latitude and longitude of Australia and the United States of America, you can use various mapping tools available online. One popular option is Google Maps. Here's how you can obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates for each country:

1. Australia:
- Go to www.google.com/maps or open the Google Maps app.
- Search for "Australia" in the search bar.
- Once the map displays the country, right-click (or long-press on mobile) on the desired location in Australia to drop a pin.
- A small pop-up window will appear at the bottom of the screen with the coordinates. The latitude and longitude will be displayed in decimal degrees format, for example, (-25.274398, 133.775136).

2. United States of America:
- Go to www.google.com/maps or open the Google Maps app.
- Search for "United States" in the search bar.
- Once the map displays the country, right-click (or long-press on mobile) on the desired location within the United States to drop a pin.
- A small pop-up window will appear at the bottom of the screen with the coordinates. The latitude and longitude will be displayed in decimal degrees format, for example, (37.090240, -95.712891).

Please note that these coordinates are for general reference points in each country. The latitude and longitude values may vary depending on the specific location within each country.