a family is ordering grass sod of a portion of their backyard as shown in the diagram. how many square yards of grass sod do they need.


10. A,C,D
11. B, C

I know it seems like a lot of Cā€˜ S but I just took the test and these are all of the correct answers for connections academy šŸ‘

just kool-aid girl is right even if you only have seven when do her answers till you get to 6 and 11 is the answer to 6 and 12 is the answer too 7

I got a hundred but anyways here

1 A
2 C
3 C
4 C
5 C
6 A,C,D
7 B,C
OK 100%

the answer's for the quiz with 7 are A C C C C A,C,D B,C trust me I just took it.

u are wrong that the test have 11 question it only have 7 not 11 but 7

dose any one know the 7 question

Hee heee heee...

You are exceptionally witty this evening Ms. Sue...

Dear Boop;
What she was trying to tell you was that you can not post diagrams to this website, thus either you have to describe the picture, or at least state the dimensions.

Thanks, MsPi.


kool aid girl is right

tyvm KAG (Kool-Aid girl)

kool aid girl its actually a practice but thx