Rebecca is a chef at Denny's Deli. She wants to try a new recipe, Sweet Potato Salad with Orange-Maple Dressing. The receipe, which serves 16, requires half of a cup of golden raisins. She wants to make enough of the salad for 104 servings. How many cups of golden raisins will she need?

104 / 16 = 6 1/2

Now multiply 6 1/2 by 1/2 to find the number of cups of raisins she needs.

6 1/2

To determine how many cups of golden raisins Rebecca will need for 104 servings, we first need to find the ratio of golden raisins to servings in the original recipe.

The original recipe serves 16, and requires half of a cup of golden raisins. We can represent this ratio as:

16 servings: 0.5 cups of golden raisins

To find out how many cups of golden raisins are needed for 104 servings, we can set up a proportion:

16 servings / 0.5 cups = 104 servings / x cups

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(16 servings)(x cups) = (0.5 cups)(104 servings)

16x = 52

Next, we can solve for x (the number of cups of golden raisins needed):

x = 52 / 16
x = 3.25

Therefore, Rebecca will need 3.25 cups of golden raisins to make enough sweet potato salad with orange-maple dressing for 104 servings.

To summarize:
- Ratio of golden raisins to servings in the original recipe: 16 servings / 0.5 cups of golden raisins
- Proportion: 16 servings / 0.5 cups = 104 servings / x cups
- Cross-multiplying: (16 servings)(x cups) = (0.5 cups)(104 servings)
- Solving for x: x = 52 / 16 = 3.25
- Rebecca will need 3.25 cups of golden raisins.