Hi i am writing a response paper for "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver. Im not sure but is this a proper thesis statement.

In the short story Cathedral, by Raymond Carver, a man refers to Robert as "this blind man." Not only is he categorizing Robert, but he's also making wrongful assumptions about people who have disabilities. Instead of assuming, he should sympathize and try to think about the positives. Being blind is just one specific aspect of Roberts’s life and it doesn't define who he is as a person.

That is an excellent thesis statement; in addition, you put the thesis into context.. Well done.

Your thesis statement is a good start! It clearly identifies the main theme or idea that you will be discussing in your response paper. However, it could be strengthened by being more specific and focused.

In order to improve your thesis statement, consider the following elements:

1. Make it more specific: Instead of discussing the general theme of categorization and wrongful assumptions about people with disabilities, try to narrow down your focus. What specific aspect of the story are you going to explore? For example, you can focus on how the narrator's perception of Robert changes throughout the story and what causes this transformation.

2. Include a clear argument: Your thesis statement should clearly state your position or argument about the topic you are discussing. What is your stance on the narrator's assumptions about disability and his need to sympathize and recognize the positives? Make sure your thesis statement reflects your argument.

3. Create a roadmap: A thesis statement should give your readers a sense of what to expect in your paper. It should indicate the main points or arguments you plan to discuss. Consider adding a brief overview of the main reasons or evidence you will use to support your argument.

With these suggestions in mind, here's a revised version of your thesis statement:

In Raymond Carver's "Cathedral," the narrator's initial categorization and wrongful assumptions about Robert point to a lack of understanding and empathy. However, as the story progresses, the narrator's perspective gradually shifts, allowing him to recognize the limitations of his own perceptions and ultimately develop a deeper connection with Robert, breaking free from the confines of prejudice and embracing the positive qualities that extend beyond physical disabilities.

Remember, your thesis statement is the foundation of your response paper, and it should clearly present your main argument and guide the rest of your writing.