you are given chance to be a designer of any company of your dreams and the condition is to make a description of the design process you will follow to get the two dimension art for the company about any topic of your choice. Competence criteria are as follow:

1. Choose the topic
2. List and assess possible sources of information about your topic according to their types
3. Choose the creative thinking technique that suits your topic and why is it the best
4. List all objects and their description to be on your
5. Identify any requirements to complete your work
6. Referred to graphic design elements and principles explain relationship between your objects and why to build a model
7. Identify possible challenges that both you and the company may face
8. Assess alternatives by screening affordability, concept testing and technical testing
9. Give a short description about your work to do 10. Finally, how shall you get feedbacks?

so, what have you done so far?

Design Process for Creating Two-Dimensional Art for a Company:

1. Choose the Topic:
First, I would choose a topic that aligns with the company's values, mission, and target audience. Let's assume the topic is "Exploring Nature."

2. List and Assess Possible Sources of Information:
I would gather information about nature, landscapes, flora, and fauna from various sources such as books, magazines, online articles, photography, documentaries, and nature-related websites. Each source will be assessed based on credibility, accuracy, and relevance to ensure reliable information for the design process.

3. Choose the Creative Thinking Technique:
For a topic like "Exploring Nature," a suitable creative thinking technique would be Mind Mapping. It allows for the exploration of ideas, connections, and associations related to nature in a visually appealing and organized manner. Mind mapping helps generate a wide range of concepts and themes for the design.

4. List All Objects and Their Description:
Based on the chosen topic, I would list and describe objects that represent nature such as mountains, rivers, trees, animals, clouds, and flowers. Each object will be described regarding shape, color, size, and significance.

5. Identify Requirements:
To complete the artwork, I would identify the requirements such as high-resolution images, appropriate design software, and a skilled graphic designer who can translate the envisioned art onto the digital canvas. The company's branding guidelines may also need consideration to maintain brand consistency.

6. Referred to Graphic Design Elements and Principles:
The relationship between the objects in the artwork will be established through various graphic design elements and principles. For example:
- Unity: The objects will be arranged in harmony to create a balanced composition.
- Color: Appropriate colors will be chosen to evoke the desired emotions and bring the natural elements to life.
- Contrast: The use of light and dark tones will create depth and add visual interest.
- Typography: Selecting suitable fonts for any text elements in the artwork.

7. Identify Possible Challenges:
Possible challenges may include:
- Limited availability of high-quality images or references.
- Ensuring the artwork aligns with the company's brand identity and design guidelines.
- Balancing creativity with the desired message and target audience preferences.
- Meeting project deadlines and budget constraints.

8. Assess Alternatives:
Alternatives can be assessed by:
- Screening affordability: Evaluating the cost implications of different design approaches, materials, or resources.
- Concept testing: Seeking feedback from a focus group or the company's stakeholders to gauge their preferences and reactions.
- Technical testing: Checking the feasibility and compatibility of the selected design approach using prototype designs or mock-ups.

9. Short Description of the Work:
The artwork will capture elements of nature that reflect the company's core values and invite the audience to explore the beauty of the natural world. Through carefully chosen objects represented using visual elements and principles of graphic design, the two-dimensional art will convey a sense of serenity, wonder, and connection to nature.

10. Getting Feedback:
Feedback can be obtained by sharing the artwork with the company's stakeholders, internal design professionals, or even conducting surveys or focus groups with the target audience. Feedback should be encouraged and collected through multiple channels, including online platforms, email, or face-to-face meetings. Gathering feedback will provide valuable insights and help refine the artwork based on the collective perspectives and preferences of the stakeholders.

The design process outlined above ensures a systematic and thoughtful approach to creating two-dimensional art for a company. It considers various aspects such as topic selection, sourcing reliable information, utilizing suitable creative thinking techniques, establishing design principles, addressing requirements, and evaluating alternatives. Additionally, the process addresses potential challenges and incorporates mechanisms for feedback, providing a comprehensive framework for successful design creation.