
I have a history essay coming up with the question: Explain Cause and Effect relationship between WW2, Cold War, and Civil Rights. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for things to make sure to include in the essay or links that will help me be able to efficiently answer the question. Thank you for the help!



Hi Reed,

Thank you for the links, I will be sure to research them :)

You're welcome. You may want to "google" the topic yourself using other keywords to see what else you can find.

Thanks, I'm currently googling more topics. Its good to see it on the right track. Thanks again for all the help!

Hi! I'd be happy to help you understand the cause and effect relationship between World War II, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights movement. Here's an outline of key points you could include in your essay:

1. World War II:
- Discuss the major causes of World War II, such as the Treaty of Versailles, the rise of fascism, and territorial disputes.
- Explain the immediate effects of World War II, including the devastation of Europe, the loss of millions of lives, and the displacement of populations.

2. Cold War:
- Analyze how World War II led to the emergence of the Cold War as the United States and Soviet Union became global superpowers with opposing ideologies.
- Explore the components of the Cold War, such as the division of Germany, the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, and the arms race.
- Discuss the indirect "proxy wars" during the Cold War, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

3. Civil Rights Movement:
- Illustrate how the ideologies of the Cold War influenced the Civil Rights movement, with the United States presenting itself as an advocate of freedom and democracy.
- Explore the social, political, and economic factors that led to the emergence of the Civil Rights movement, including racial segregation, inequality, and discrimination.
- Explain the effects of the Civil Rights movement, such as the abolition of racial segregation, the passage of civil rights legislation, and the advancement of African American rights.

To efficiently answer the question, it's important to gather information from reliable sources. Here are some suggestions for finding relevant material:

1. Use academic databases: Access databases like JSTOR, ProQuest, or Google Scholar. Search for articles and research papers related to the cause and effect relationship between World War II, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights movement.

2. Visit libraries: Check your school or local library for books, scholarly journals, and historical documents that cover these topics. Librarians can offer assistance in finding relevant resources.

3. Online resources: Search for reputable websites of historical organizations, museums, or universities that provide in-depth information on history. Examples include the National Archives, the Library of Congress, or reputable university history departments.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you come across, considering factors such as author expertise, reliability, and potential bias. Use a mix of primary and secondary sources to provide a well-rounded analysis.

Good luck with your essay!