Explain the value or importance of using the International System of Units when describing motion. Provide an example that supports your reasoning.


He made that brainly account!

The ISU provides handy names for various combinations of units. For example

1N = 1kg-m/s^2
You could just as easily have used


(a) most people would not have the slightest feel for what that means
(b) you'd have to carry around that cumbersome combination of units instead of just saying "Newtons" which everyone already understands.


The International System of Units (SI) plays a crucial role in describing motion because it provides a standardized and universal system of measurement. This system enables scientists, engineers, and researchers around the world to communicate effectively and accurately when discussing quantities related to motion.

By using SI units, we ensure precision, consistency, and clarity in our descriptions of motion. This is important because it allows us to accurately compare and analyze data, conduct experiments, and make scientific predictions. It also facilitates collaboration and exchange of information among professionals in various fields.

For example, let's consider a scenario where a physicist is studying the motion of a ball being thrown into the air. By measuring the ball's initial velocity, time of flight, and maximum height using SI units, the physicist can determine various aspects of the motion, such as its acceleration, energy, and trajectory.

If different units were used, such as miles per hour instead of meters per second for velocity, or feet instead of meters for height, the calculations and analysis would become more complicated and prone to errors. Furthermore, it would be challenging for others to understand and replicate the experiment accurately without converting the measurements.

In contrast, when using SI units, everyone can easily understand and compare results, regardless of their geographical location or scientific discipline. This universal language of measurement facilitates scientific progress and ensures consistency in the description of motion across different research fields.

Therefore, the value and importance of using the International System of Units in describing motion lie in the precision, consistency, and universality it provides, making scientific communication and collaboration more effective.


In system international (SI) or metric units, motion involves the units meters and seconds. The consistency of units used makes the information described by one individual in a country understandable by someone else in a different country who does not even speak the same language. 

For example, if someone describe the speed of an object to be 50 meters per second, anyone using the same units can understand this. Meanwhile, use of units such as foot per second is limited to a small number of countries