The marker costs 13 as much as the pen. The pen costs 13 as much as the book. The book costs 13 as much as the game.

The price of the marker is what fraction of the price of the game?


To find the fraction, we need to compare the price of the marker to the price of the game. Let's follow the given information and work our way to the answer step by step:

Step 1: Let's assign a value to the price of the game. We can make it any value, so let's say the game costs $1.

Step 2: According to the information given, the book costs 13 times as much as the game, so the book costs $13.

Step 3: The pen costs 13 times as much as the book, so the pen costs $13 * $13 = $169.

Step 4: Finally, the marker costs 13 times as much as the pen, so the marker costs $13 * $169 = $2197.

Step 5: Now, let's find the fraction of the marker's price compared to the game's price. The fraction is the ratio of the marker's price to the game's price. In this case, the marker costs $2197 and the game costs $1, so the fraction is $2197 / $1 = 2197/1 = 2197.

Therefore, the price of the marker is 2197 times the price of the game.

According to your wording:

cost of game --- x
cost of book ---- 13x
cost of pen ----- 169x
cost of marker --- 2197x

Did you mean to say 1/13 th in each case??

