What kind of complement is the underlined word?

After the yard sale ended, our garage looked empty.

predicate adjective

direct object

indirect object

predicate nominative
Empty underline

What is your answer?

I think its B

so it couldn't be a direct or indirect object and predicate is a whole different story so predicate adjective because empty is describing the garage

so when they said the garage looked (empty) it was describing the garage do you get now

Michey is right.

"Empty" is an adjective. Since it comes after a linking verb, it is a predicate adjective.

michey/loveislife -- Please don't switch names.

To determine the type of complement for the underlined word, we need to understand the function it plays in the sentence. In this case, the underlined word is "empty."

Let's analyze the sentence: "After the yard sale ended, our garage looked empty."

The word "empty" describes the state or condition of the garage. It is providing additional information about the subject "garage" in the sentence.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the underlined word "empty" is functioning as a predicate adjective.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. predicate adjective.