Which of the following explains why objects in our solar system are in a spinning motion?

A.The gravitational pull of the sun pushed objects into a spinning motion. <----I think it is this one
B.The massive size of the sun made all other objects in space spin fast.
C.Gravity pulled in new matter towards an already rotating nebula.
D.Gravity pushed away heavier matter towards the outside boundary of space objects.

nope. http://atropos.as.arizona.edu/aiz/teaching/nats102/mario/solar_system.html

To determine which of the options explains why objects in our solar system are in a spinning motion, we need to consider the principles of physics and the formation of our solar system.

The correct answer is C. Gravity pulled in new matter towards an already rotating nebula.

Explanation: According to the prevailing scientific theory of solar system formation, objects in our solar system, including planets, moons, and asteroids, formed from a rotating disk of gas and dust known as a protoplanetary nebula. As the nebula collapsed under the influence of gravity, it began to spin faster due to the conservation of angular momentum. This increase in rotation caused the matter in the nebula to converge towards the center. As a result, the matter flattened into a spinning disk, with the central region forming the sun and the surrounding matter condensing into planets and other celestial objects.

Option A, "The gravitational pull of the sun pushed objects into a spinning motion," is incorrect because while the sun's gravity does influence the motion of objects in the solar system, it is not the primary reason they are in a spinning motion.

Option B, "The massive size of the sun made all other objects in space spin fast," is not supported by scientific evidence. The spin of objects in the solar system is primarily due to the initial rotation of the nebula, not the size of the sun.

Option D, "Gravity pushed away heavier matter towards the outside boundary of space objects," is not a correct explanation. Gravity actually pulls matter towards the center, causing it to condense and form into celestial objects.

Therefore, the correct choice is C. Gravity pulled in new matter towards an already rotating nebula.