Silver is liquid for Celsius temperatures C such that 960.8 degrees (less than or equal to) C < 2180 degrees. Find such an inequality for for the corresponding Fahrenheit temperatures.

C = 5/9 (F-32)

so, now you have

960.8 <= C < 2180
960.8 <= 5/9 (F-32) < 2180
1729.44 <= F-32 < 3924
1761.44 <= F < 3948

To find the inequality for the corresponding Fahrenheit temperatures, we can use the conversion formula:

F = (9/5)C + 32

Let's substitute the given temperature range into the equation:

For the lower limit, we have:

F = (9/5)(960.8) + 32
F = 1720.56 + 32
F ≈ 1752.56

For the upper limit, we have:

F = (9/5)(2180) + 32
F = 3924 + 32
F ≈ 3956

Therefore, the inequality for the corresponding Fahrenheit temperatures is:

1752.56 ≤ F < 3956