After World Was II,western nations joined together in a mutual defense pact called???

I'm confused between two answers?

Which two answers are you considering?

I think it's NATO.

Is that right?


The mutual defense pact formed by Western nations after World War II is called NATO, which stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO was established in 1949 with the primary objective of collective defense against potential threats from the Soviet Union and its allies during the Cold War period.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow a few steps:

1. Start by understanding the context of the question, which refers to the time period after World War II.

2. Next, identify the subject of the question, which is a mutual defense pact formed by Western nations.

3. Based on this information, you can narrow down your options by thinking about well-known defense alliances that were formed during that time.

4. Finally, do some research or utilize your existing knowledge to identify the correct answer, which in this case is NATO.

By following these steps and gathering the relevant information, you can confidently answer the question.