When resistors are connected in series . . .

Is their equivalent resistance smaller or larger than the individual resistances?

Is the current through them when connected together larger or smaller than their current if alone in the circuit?

larger; if a current source, the same. If a voltage source, smaller.

Well, when resistors are connected in series, their equivalent resistance is, *drumroll please* larger than the individual resistances! It's like going on a road trip with your friends – the more people you have in the car, the longer it takes to reach your destination. Similarly, adding resistors in series increases the overall resistance.

As for the current, it's smaller when resistors are connected in series. Think of it as sharing a bag of potato chips. When you're alone, you can munch away at your own pace, but when your friends join in, you have to divide the chips among everyone, resulting in less for each person. In a series circuit, the current gets divided among each resistor, leading to a smaller current flow through each one.

When resistors are connected in series, their equivalent resistance is larger than the individual resistances. This can be calculated by summing up the values of all the resistors.

The current through a series connection of resistors is the same at all points. Therefore, the current through the resistors when connected together is the same as their current if they were alone in the circuit.

When resistors are connected in series, their equivalent resistance is larger than the individual resistances. To understand why, we need to consider how resistors in series affect the flow of current.

In a series circuit, multiple resistors are connected one after another such that the same current flows through each resistor. This means that the total resistance of the circuit is the sum of the individual resistances. Mathematically, the equivalent resistance (R_eq) of resistors connected in series can be calculated using the formula:

R_eq = R_1 + R_2 + R_3 + ...

where R_1, R_2, R_3, and so on, represent the individual resistances.

As for the current through the resistors, it remains the same in a series circuit. According to Ohm's Law, the current (I) flowing through the circuit is given by the equation:

I = V / R

where V is the voltage across the circuit and R is the total resistance. Since the voltage is constant in a series circuit, if we increase the total resistance (by adding more resistors in series), then according to Ohm's Law, the current through the circuit decreases. Therefore, the current through the resistors when connected in series is smaller than their current if they were alone in the circuit.

So, in summary:
- When resistors are connected in series, their equivalent resistance is larger than the individual resistances.
- The current through the resistors when connected in series is smaller than their current if they were alone in the circuit.