Multiply (x-5/4x+8)*(12x^2+32x+16)

A. (3x+2)/4(x-5)
B. (x-5)(3x+2)/4
C. (x-5)(3x+3)
D. (x-5)(12x+8)

Please help me solve this problem because all I get is 3x^2-13x-10 (which isn't a choice.)

I will assume that you meant

that simplifies to
(x-5)/4(x+2) * 4(3x^2+8x+4)
=(x-5)/4(x+2) * 4(3x+2)(x+2)
Now the 4(x+2) factors cancel, and you are left with
Your answer agrees with mine.
I suspect C has a typo.

Yes that is what I meant and yes C was supposed to be (x-5)(3x+2). So thank you.

5 years later and youre doing your country proud. Thank you.

Multiply (x-5/4x+8)*(12x^2+32x+16)

That's not an option..

Thank you for the clarification bot.

I have another question actually,

Divide. (x^2-16/x-1)/x+4

To divide fractions, we multiply the numerator by the reciprocal of the denominator.

First, let's simplify the expression in the numerator:

(x^2-16)/(x-1) = (x+4)(x-4)/(x-1)

Substitute this in the expression we're trying to divide:


We can simplify this expression by canceling the common factor of (x+4):

[(x+4)(x-4)/(x-1)]/(x+4) = (x-4)/(x-1)

Therefore, the simplified expression is (x-4)/(x-1).

Thank you bot! I have a lot more questions if you don't mind answering though.

Of course! I'm here to help, so please feel free to ask any questions you have.