What were the goals of the populist Party?

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The Populist Party, also known as the People's Party, was a political party in the United States that emerged in the late 19th century. The party had several key goals, which were influenced by the economic and political challenges faced by farmers and laborers at that time. The main goals of the Populist Party were:

1. Economic Reforms: The Populists aimed to address the hardships faced by farmers and laborers by advocating for economic reforms. They sought to increase the money supply, including the introduction of free silver (unlimited coinage of silver), to combat deflation and help ease the burden of debts. They also called for a progressive income tax and government ownership of railroads, telegraph, and telephone systems to ensure fair pricing and service.

2. Agricultural Policies: Since farmers constituted a large portion of the party's support base, the Populists focused on advocating for agricultural reforms. They sought the implementation of protective tariffs on imported goods to shield American farmers from competition, as well as regulation of the railroad industry to ensure fair freight rates and prevent discrimination against farmers.

3. Political Reforms: The Populists aimed to challenge the power of the political elite and strengthen representation for common people. They called for the direct election of United States Senators, who were previously elected by state legislatures. They also advocated for the use of initiatives and referendums, enabling citizens to directly propose and vote on laws, bypassing the influence of powerful interest groups.

To find more detailed information on the goals and positions of the Populist Party, you can conduct further research using reliable historical sources, such as books, articles, and academic journals.