A number cube is rolled. What is P(3 or an even number)

A: 1/2

B: 2/3


D: 1/6

Looks like you have 4 chances.

what do you mean ms sue

If you roll the number cube six times, you could expect to get a 3 or an even number 4 times.

An even number is 2,4,or 6

That makes three choices, then you were also told it could land on the number 3,
thus making your total number of choices 4
And probability is (number you can get) divided by (number in the total set)
=4/6 the denominator is 6 because of the total sides on the die that it could land on : )
= reduced = 2/3

Sorry... wrong first name : )

To find the probability of rolling a 3 or an even number on a number cube, we first need to determine the total number of possible outcomes and the number of favorable outcomes.

A number cube has 6 faces, numbered 1 to 6. To determine the total number of possible outcomes, we count the number of faces, which in this case is 6.

Now, let's list the favorable outcomes, which are rolling a 3 or an even number. The even numbers on a number cube are 2, 4, and 6, while the number 3 is neither even nor odd.

Therefore, the favorable outcomes are the numbers 2, 4, and 6, making a total of 3 favorable outcomes.

The probability of an event is defined as the number of favorable outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes. In this case, the probability of rolling a 3 or an even number is:

P(3 or an even number) = Number of favorable outcomes / Number of possible outcomes

P(3 or an even number) = 3 / 6

Simplifying this fraction, we get:

P(3 or an even number) = 1 / 2

Therefore, the answer is A: 1/2.