Create an appealing, text-free image that visually represents the mathematical concept behind the formula t=2πr(r+h). Illustrate a circle with its radius and height indicated, and a wave partially encircling the circle to hint at the idea of the constant 'π'. Include some symbolic representation of the variables 't', 'r' and 'h' such as arrows or stand-in symbols. Everything should be set against a neutral, unblemished background.

Make r the subject of formula t=2πr(r+h)


t = 2πr^2 + 2πhr
2πr^2 + 2πhr - t = 0
this is a quadratic in r, where a = 2π , b = 2πh and c = -t

r = (-2πh ± √(4π^2h^2 - 4(2π)(-t) )/(4π)

see if you can simplify that

explain in detail

I don't understand

I don understand


so you will be re-arranging to get r all by itself...

it is a wee bit tricky due to the r inside and outside of the bracket.
Do you usually treat it like a quadratic and factor it?
Because that would be a lovely solution : )

I don't understand anything 🤪 about this

I don't understand

I don’t understand

Not even a single number I can understand