The angle of elevation of the top of a tower fron a point 42m away from its base on level ground is 36degree.find the height of the tower.NOTE:no calculation only scale drawing

Did you make a drawing? Review your basic trig functions?

If the height is h meters, then
h/42 = tan36°



Pls wat is the answer

To find the height of the tower using a scale drawing, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line to represent the ground level.
2. Draw a vertical line to represent the tower. The length of this line will represent the height of the tower.
3. From one end of the horizontal line, draw a diagonal line at an angle of 36 degrees to represent the line of sight from the observer to the top of the tower.
4. Measure a distance of 42 units (representing 42m) along the horizontal line from the starting point. This point represents the position of the observer.
5. Draw a straight line from the end of the diagonal line (representing the top of the tower) to the observer's position (the point 42 units away).
6. Measure the length of this line from the end of the vertical line (representing the height of the tower) to the point where it intersects with the observer's line of sight.
7. This length represents the height of the tower on the scale drawing.

Remember, this method provides an approximate answer using a scale drawing, and the accuracy depends on the precision of your drawing and measurements.