What is the mass of a rectangular shaped ice block with dimensions of 0.04m x 0.05m x 0.03m if the density of ice is 917 kg/m3?

Well, ice can be quite a slippery subject, but let's try to figure this out! To find the mass of our rectangular ice block, we can use the formula:

Mass = Density * Volume

Given that the density of ice is 917 kg/m³ and the dimensions of the ice block are 0.04m x 0.05m x 0.03m, we can calculate the volume:

Volume = (0.04m)(0.05m)(0.03m) = 0.00006 m³

Now, let's plug in the numbers and calculate the mass:

Mass = 917 kg/m³ * 0.00006 m³ = 0.05502 kg

So, the mass of our rectangular ice block is approximately 0.05502 kg. Just be careful not to slip on any ice while you're at it!

To find the mass of a rectangular shaped ice block, we need to use the formula:

Mass = Density x Volume

Density of ice = 917 kg/m³
Dimensions of the ice block:
Length (L) = 0.04 m
Width (W) = 0.05 m
Height (H) = 0.03 m

Volume of the ice block = L x W x H

Substituting the given values into the equation, we have:

Volume = 0.04 m x 0.05 m x 0.03 m
Volume = 0.00006 m³

Now we can calculate the mass using the formula:

Mass = Density x Volume
Mass = 917 kg/m³ x 0.00006 m³

Calculating the product, we find:

Mass ≈ 0.055 kg

Therefore, the mass of the rectangular shaped ice block is approximately 0.055 kilograms.

To find the mass of the ice block, we can use the formula:

Mass = Volume x Density

First, we need to find the volume of the ice block. For a rectangular shape, the volume is given by the formula:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

Given the dimensions of the ice block as:

Length = 0.04m
Width = 0.05m
Height = 0.03m

We can substitute these values into the formula to find the volume:

Volume = 0.04m x 0.05m x 0.03m

Now, we can calculate the volume:

Volume = 0.00006 m^3

Next, we can use the density of ice, which is given as 917 kg/m^3, and substitute the volume into the formula to find the mass:

Mass = 0.00006 m^3 x 917 kg/m^3

Now, we can calculate the mass:

Mass = 0.05502 kg

Therefore, the mass of the rectangular shaped ice block is approximately 0.05502 kg.


volume = .04*.05*.03 m^3=6.0e-5 m^3