The distance between two cities on a nap is 7 cm actual distance is 350 km what scale used on map

350 / 7 = ________ km per cm


To find the scale used on the map, we need to determine the ratio between the distance on the map and the actual distance.

Using the given information:
Distance on the map = 7 cm
Actual distance = 350 km

The ratio between the two distances can be calculated as follows:
Ratio = Actual distance / Distance on the map

Ratio = 350 km / 7 cm

Let's first convert the units of actual distance to match the units on the map. Since 1 cm on the map represents 350 km, we need to convert 350 km to cm:
1 km = 100,000 cm (there are 100,000 cm in a kilometer)

350 km = 350,000 cm

Now, we can calculate the ratio:
Ratio = 350,000 cm / 7 cm

Simplifying the ratio:
Ratio = 50,000

This means that for every 1 cm on the map, the actual distance is 50,000 cm or 50,000 times bigger. Therefore, the scale used on the map is 1:50,000.