(x+5)(x-1) Expand the brackets


x^2 +5x -x -5 = x^2 +4x -5

Thats True Well Done!

To expand the brackets (x+5)(x-1), you will need to distribute each term in the first bracket (x+5) to every term in the second bracket (x-1).

Let's break down the process step by step:

1. Multiply the first term in the first bracket (x) by every term in the second bracket (x-1):
- First term: x * x = x^2
- Second term: x * -1 = -x

2. Multiply the second term in the first bracket (5) by every term in the second bracket (x-1):
- First term: 5 * x = 5x
- Second term: 5 * -1 = -5

3. Combine the like terms obtained in step 1 and step 2:
- x^2 + (-x) + 5x + (-5)

4. Simplify the expression by combining like terms:
- x^2 - x + 5x - 5

5. Finally, arrange the terms in descending order of their exponents:
- x^2 + 5x - x - 5

Thus, the expanded form of (x+5)(x-1) is x^2 + 5x - x - 5.