“... of a Union held together forever, of a North and South able to work together, of slavery extirpated, and sectional rivalries confined, of a permanent banishment of the fear of vaunting appeals to state sovereignty, backed by armed force...” - Mark Summers

The quotation above reflects the goals of ____.

• The impeachment of Andrew Johnson
• Reconstruction***
• The perpetrators of the Compromise of 1877

Yes, Reconstruction.

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze the given quotation and match it with the available options.

The quotation talks about various goals such as:

1. A Union held together forever,
2. The North and South working together,
3. Slavery being extirpated (eradicated),
4. Sectional rivalries being confined,
5. A permanent banishment of the fear of vaunting appeals to state sovereignty backed by armed force.

These goals are reflective of the objectives of Reconstruction.

During the Reconstruction era in the United States (1865-1877), after the Civil War, the federal government aimed to rebuild and restore the Union while addressing the issues of slavery, sectional conflicts, and state sovereignty. The key goals of Reconstruction included reuniting the Northern and Southern states, abolishing slavery, suppressing ongoing resistance from white supremacists, and establishing civil rights for freed slaves.

Therefore, based on the content of the quotation, the correct answer is Reconstruction.