Can anyone help me ??

George W. Bush's victory in presidentaial election of 2000 was finally decided by who??

Electoral College


i have the supreme court..

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you.

The 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore was a highly contested one, and the final decision on the outcome came through a legal process. The election results came down to the state of Florida, and there was a dispute over the validity of the vote count there. The Supreme Court of the United States eventually stepped in to resolve the issue.

To find out who ultimately decided George W. Bush's victory in the 2000 presidential election, you could follow these steps:

1. Research the 2000 presidential election: Start by learning about the 2000 election and its significant events. You can use reliable sources such as news articles, books, or documentaries.

2. Focus on the state of Florida: Understand that the Florida recount played a crucial role in determining the election's outcome. Gather information on the controversy surrounding the ballot count and the legal battles that ensued.

3. Study the Supreme Court's decision: Look for information on the Supreme Court's involvement in resolving Florida's election dispute. Examine the court case known as Bush v. Gore, which eventually led to the final decision.

4. Analyze the Supreme Court's ruling: Read about the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore. Understand the arguments presented by both sides and the reasoning behind the court's ultimate conclusion.

In short, to find out who finally decided George W. Bush's victory in the 2000 presidential election, you can research the legal process and the Supreme Court's involvement, specifically the case Bush v. Gore.