In which of the following play centers do young children learn to engage in symbolic play when they

substitute objects for real ones, sequence events, and learn use of currency?
A. Library
B. Block
C. Math
D. Dramatic play

my answer is d.

Hmmm... the use of currency is a math piece... In the early years they have "store" set up as a math center for children to play at being the shop owner....Are you allowed to pick two? If not then your D is the best choice.


These questions are awfully vague.

What ages are included in "young children"?
or what?

dramatic play is spot on.,+sequence+events,+and+learn+use+of+currency&source=bl&ots=Qvizcf8gET&sig=E6kMnwxjymdCg2PTxaLlfsZHRD8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjLz_yI3t_aAhVC6YMKHYuFCecQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=substitute%20objects%20for%20real%20ones%2C%20sequence%20events%2C%20and%20learn%20use%20of%20currency&f=false

Based on the description you provided, the play center where young children learn to engage in symbolic play, substitute objects for real ones, sequence events, and learn the use of currency is the Dramatic Play center (Option D).

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the characteristics of the other options:

A. Library: Although libraries are great places for children to learn and engage with books, they usually do not contain the elements of symbolic play, substituting objects, sequencing events, or learning about currency.

B. Block: While block play can promote creativity, problem-solving skills, and spatial awareness, it may not specifically address the aspects of symbolic play, object substitution, event sequencing, or currency use.

C. Math: Math activities and centers are focused on developing mathematical knowledge and skills such as counting, sorting, and measuring. They may not include the elements of symbolic play, object substitution, event sequencing, or currency use that were mentioned in the question.

Therefore, option D, Dramatic Play, seems to be the most suitable choice since it encompasses imaginative and pretend play scenarios where children can engage in symbolic play, substitute objects, sequence events, and even learn about the concept of currency through activities like playing "store" or "restaurant."

Hence, your answer of Option D is correct.