Suppose you deposit $100 in an account that earns 0.5% each month. You make no withdrawals from the account and deposit no more money into the account. How much money will you have in the account after 4 years?

4*12 = 48 periods

100 * 1.005^48
100 * 1.270489

With compound interest, the interest due and paid at the end of the interest compounding period is added to the initial starting principal to form a new principal, and this new principal becomes the amount on which the interest for the next interest period is based. The original principal is said to be compounded, and the difference between the the final total, the compound amount, accumulated at the end of the specified interest periods, and the original amount, is called the compound interest.

In its most basic use, if P is an amount deposited into an account paying a periodic interest, then Sn is the final compounded amount accumulated where

..........................Sn = P(1+i)^n

where i is the periodic interest rate in decimal form = %Int./(100m), n is the number of interest bearing periods, and m is the number of interest paying periods per year.

For example, the compound amount and the compound interest on $5000.00 resulting from the accumulation of interest at 6% annual interest compounded monthly for 10 years is as follows:

Since m = 12, i = .06/12 = .005. Since we are dealing with a total of 10 years with 12 interest periods per year, n = 10 x 12 = 120. From this we get

.........................Sn = $5000(1+.005)^120 = $5000(1.8194) = $9097.

Consequently, the compound interest realized is $9097 - $5000 = $4097. Of course the compound interest rate can be calculated directly from the simple expression

.............I = P[(1+i)^n - 1].

To calculate the future value of your investment after 4 years, we can use the compound interest formula:

Future Value = Principal * (1 + Interest Rate)^Time

In this case, the principal is $100, the interest rate is 0.5% per month (or 0.005), and the time is 4 years (or 48 months).

Let's calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Convert the interest rate to a decimal: 0.5% = 0.005
Step 2: Calculate the future value:
Future Value = $100 * (1 + 0.005)^48

Now, we can use a calculator or a spreadsheet to compute the final result:

Future Value ≈ $109.34

So, after 4 years, you would have approximately $109.34 in the account, assuming no withdrawals or additional deposits were made.