What are the 4 nuclear forces? Out of the 4 which one is the strongest and which one is the weakest?




As a side note, these are not nuclear forces. They are the four fundamental forces in nature, period.

The four fundamental forces in nature are gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.

The strong nuclear force, also known as the strong interaction, is the strongest of the four fundamental forces. It is responsible for holding the nuclei of atoms together, overcoming the electromagnetic repulsion between positively charged protons. The strong nuclear force is about 100 times stronger than the electromagnetic force.

The weak nuclear force is the second weakest of the four fundamental forces. It is responsible for radioactive decay and certain types of particle interactions. The weak nuclear force is about 10,000 times weaker than the electromagnetic force.

Gravity is the force that governs the interactions between massive objects. It is the weakest of the four fundamental forces but acts over long distances. Gravity becomes significant only when dealing with large masses, such as planets, stars, and galaxies.

Electromagnetism is the force that governs the interactions between electrically charged particles. It is about 100 times weaker than the strong nuclear force but significantly stronger than gravity. Electromagnetism is responsible for the behavior of light, electricity, and magnetism.

To further explore and understand the four fundamental forces, you can refer to the link you provided (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/forces/funfor.html), which provides detailed information about these forces and their characteristics.