1. Find the volume of a square pyramid with a base length of 9 cm and a height of 4 cm

A.324 cm^3
B.108 cm^3
C.36 cm^3
D.152 cm^3**
2. Find the volume of the given cone. It has a radius of 6 in. And a height of 11 in.
A. 320 in^3
B.1,224 in^3
C.415 in^3**
D.622 in^3
3. Find the volume of the cylinder. It has a radius of 8 in. And a height of 8 in.
A.1,608 in^3**
B.2,846 in^3
C.6,431 in^3
D.401 in^3
My answers are
Someone please check my answers and correct me if I’m wrong. Thanks so much in advance!

Can someone help please? I just want to make sure my answers are right.

right in the last one, wrong on others.

1. volume = (1/3)(base)(height) = (1/3)(81)(4) = 108 , you are wrong

2. correct

3. correct


1. B
2. B
Is this ok?

1. I disagree

note area of something pointy at top with straight sides = (1/3)base area * height

So is my first answers to 2 and three correct or wrong?

second two ok