Does an 8-car Ferris wheel have rotational symmetry? Explain

I need help asap

Ok thank you:)

Yes, an 8-car Ferris wheel does have rotational symmetry. To understand why, let's first define rotational symmetry. Rotational symmetry refers to an object's ability to be rotated by a certain angle and still retain its appearance. In the case of a Ferris wheel, we can imagine rotating it around its central axis.

An 8-car Ferris wheel is designed in a circular shape and consists of eight equally spaced cars around the wheel. When the Ferris wheel rotates, the position of the cars changes, but their arrangement remains the same. This means that after a certain angle of rotation, the Ferris wheel will look identical to its original position.

To determine the rotational symmetry of the Ferris wheel, we can consider dividing a full rotation (360 degrees) by the number of equally spaced cars on the wheel. In this case, 360 divided by 8 equals 45 degrees. This means that after rotating the Ferris wheel by 45 degrees, it will appear the same as its original position.

Therefore, since the Ferris wheel can be rotated by 45 degrees and still retain its appearance, it exhibits rotational symmetry.

I doubt it. The "cars" when on top hang down inside the wheel edge, when at the bottom, they hang down outside the wheel edge.