Find the missing value so that the two points have a slope of -11/7. (2,6) and (x,-5)

You could plot them on a cartesian plane and start at (2,6) and make a graph with the slope and see where it hits the y-value at -5...

since slope =(rise)/run
and that is the (change in y)/(change in x)
you could sub y-y2/x-x2 for the two points and work that way : )

m = (-5-6)/(x-2) = -11/7.

-11/(x-2) = -11/7,
-77 = -11x + 22,
11x = 99,
X = 9.

To find the missing value, we can use the formula for slope:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Given that the slope is -11/7 and the points (2, 6) and (x, -5), we can substitute the coordinates into the slope formula:

-11/7 = (-5 - 6) / (x - 2)

Now, we need to solve this equation for x.

Let's simplify the equation:

-11/7 = -11 / (x - 2)

To eliminate the fractions, we can cross-multiply:

-11(x - 2) = -11(7)

Expanding both sides of the equation:

-11x + 22 = -77

Next, isolate the variable x by subtracting 22 from both sides:

-11x = -77 - 22

-11x = -99

Finally, divide both sides by -11 to solve for x:

x = -99 / -11

x = 9

Therefore, the missing value is x = 9.

To find the missing value x, we can use the slope formula and the given slope of -11/7:

Slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Let's substitute the given values into the formula:

-11/7 = (-5 - 6) / (x - 2)

We can now simplify and solve for x:

-11/7 = -11 / (x - 2)

Cross-multiplying, we get:

-11(x - 2) = -11 * 7

Expanding the left side:

-11x + 22 = -77

Moving the constant term to the right side:

-11x = -77 - 22

-11x = -99

Dividing both sides by -11:

x = -99 / -11

Simplifying the fraction:

x = 9

Therefore, the missing value x is 9.