Jerry mixes the letters F,P,M,M,M,F and j thoroughly.without looking. Amanda draws one letter expresses as a fraction, decimal, and percentage, what is the probability that j will not be the letter Amanda selects.

7/8 0.875, 87.5% <<<<
5/8 0.625, 62.5%
1/8 0.125, 12.5%
8/7 1.14, 11.4%
I think my answer is incorrect, may someone help me?

Who Has The whole test answers because I am getting sick and tired of waiting

You're right.

To find the probability that Amanda does not select the letter "j," we need to determine how many letters are not "j" in the given set of letters.

Jerry mixed the letters F, P, M, M, M, F, and j. Out of these 7 letters, there are 2 "j"s. Therefore, the number of letters that are not "j" is 7 - 2 = 5.

Now, we can calculate the probability that Amanda does not select the letter "j" by dividing the number of favorable outcomes (selecting a letter that is not "j") by the total number of possible outcomes (selecting any letter from the set).

The probability is given by:

Probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of possible outcomes

Favorable outcomes = 5 (since there are 5 letters that are not "j")
Total number of possible outcomes = 7 (since there are 7 letters in total)

Probability = 5 / 7

Converting the probability to a fraction, decimal, and percentage:

Fraction: 5/7
Decimal: 0.714 (rounded to three decimal places)
Percentage: 71.4%

Therefore, the correct answer is 5/7, 0.714, and 71.4%.

To find the probability that Amanda does not select the letter "j," we first need to determine the total number of letters in Jerry's mixture, and then find the number of letters other than "j."

The total number of letters in Jerry's mixture is 6, as there are F,P,M,M,M, and F.

Now, we need to determine the number of letters other than "j" in Jerry's mixture. From the information given, we know that there is only one letter "j" in the mixture. So, the number of letters other than "j" is 5.

The probability of Amanda selecting a letter other than "j" can be calculated by dividing the number of letters other than "j" by the total number of letters:

Probability = Number of letters other than "j" / Total number of letters

Probability = 5 / 6

To express the probability as a fraction, we have 5/6.

To express the probability as a decimal, we can divide 5 by 6:

Probability = 5 / 6 = 0.8333 (rounded to four decimal places)

To express the probability as a percentage, we can multiply the decimal by 100:

Probability = 0.8333 * 100 = 83.33% (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the correct answer is: 5/6, 0.8333, 83.33%.