How might large animals living in a group deal with a food shortage?

A) by reproducing
B) by shedding
C) by migrating
D) by fasting***

Pls help! Thank you! (=

I think there's a better answer.

What does your text say?

Would it be by migrating?

Yes, by migrating.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand how large animals living in a group might deal with a food shortage. Here's how you can approach this question:

1. **Read the question carefully**: Make sure you understand what the question is asking.

2. **Eliminate obviously incorrect answers**: Take a quick look at the options and eliminate any choices that are obviously incorrect. In this case, option A, "by reproducing," and option B, "by shedding," are unlikely to be effective strategies for dealing with a food shortage.

3. **Consider the remaining options**: Let's take a closer look at the remaining options, "by migrating" and "by fasting."

- **Option C: by migrating**: Migration is a common strategy used by many animal species to find new or more abundant food sources. When food becomes scarce in one area, animals may travel long distances to reach areas where food is more readily available. Migrating to a different location is a practical solution for dealing with a food shortage and is a common behavior among some large animals.

- **Option D: by fasting**: While fasting is a possible natural response to a food shortage, it is not a typical strategy for large animals living in a group. Fasting implies intentionally not eating for an extended period, which may not be feasible for many animals, especially large ones that require a constant intake of food to sustain their energy levels.

4. **Analyze and finalize your answer**: Based on the above reasoning, option C, "by migrating," is the most suitable answer. It is a natural response that allows large animals living in a group to find new food sources when their current location is experiencing a shortage.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question: "How might large animals living in a group deal with a food shortage?" is C) by migrating.