Stock bottle: Benadryl 50mg 720 mL.

How many 4 oz bottles can be filled from this stock bottle?

Hi, Alyssa! You can convert the 720 ml (or however much to stock bottle measures) to oz with this link:

Then, divide the number you get by 4.

To determine how many 4 oz bottles can be filled from a stock bottle of Benadryl, we need to convert the measurements to a common unit.

1 fluid ounce (oz) is equivalent to 29.5735 milliliters (mL). Therefore, 4 oz is equal to 4 x 29.5735 mL = 118.294 mL.

Next, we divide the total volume of the stock bottle by the volume of one 4 oz bottle:

720 mL ÷ 118.294 mL = 6.089 (rounded to three decimal places).

So, from the stock bottle of Benadryl, you can fill approximately 6 (rounded down) 4 oz bottles.