Manana, ____ , voy de compras muy temprano con mi tia y mi hermano menor de 12 anos. A mi hermano mayor, Ernesto, no le gusta ir de compras.

Tomorrow, ____, I'm going shopping very early with my aunt and my younger brother of 12 years old.
What would fill in the blank here?? I would normally put "Yo", but since "to go" voy is conjugated it doesn't need it. Thanks!

I'll send this to our Spanish tutor, JMcGin.



In this sentence, the subject "Yo" is not necessary since the verb "voy" already indicates that the speaker is the one going. Therefore, the correct answer is to leave the blank empty. The sentence would be translated as "Tomorrow, I'm going shopping very early with my aunt and my younger brother of 12 years old."