Which is a figure with 4 congruent sides and no right angles? I think it rhombus. Am I right

Yep :)


Yes, you are correct! A rhombus is a figure with four congruent sides and no right angles. To verify this information, you can use the properties and definitions of polygons.

A polygon is any closed figure with straight sides. A rhombus is a special type of quadrilateral, which means it has four sides. Furthermore, a rhombus is defined as a quadrilateral in which all four sides are congruent or equal in length.

To check if a rhombus has no right angles, you can examine its angles. A right angle is an angle that measures exactly 90 degrees. In a rhombus, the opposite angles are equal, but none of the angles are right angles. Instead, the angles of a rhombus are typically acute or obtuse.

Therefore, based on the properties and definitions of polygons and the specific features of a rhombus, you are correct in saying that a rhombus is a figure with four congruent sides and no right angles.