A copy machine cost $2,990, after a discount of 30/12/5. What was the original list price of this machine?

To find the original list price of the copy machine, we need to calculate the amount of the discount.

The discount of 30/12/5 can be written as a percentage. To convert it into a percentage, we need to add the fractions: 30/12 + 30/5 = 2.5 + 6 = 8.5.

So, the discount is equivalent to 8.5%.

Let's assume the original list price of the copy machine is x.

To calculate the discounted price, we subtract the discount from the original list price:

Discounted price = Original list price - (Original list price * discount)

$2,990 = x - (x * 8.5%)

Now, let's convert 8.5% into decimal form by dividing it by 100:

$2,990 = x - (x * 0.085)

We can simplify this equation:

$2,990 = x - 0.085x

Now, combine like terms:

$2,990 = 0.915x

Next, isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.915:

x = $2,990 / 0.915

Using a calculator, we get:

x ≈ $3,272.13

Therefore, the original list price of the copy machine was approximately $3,272.13.

amount = 2990 - 2990(.7)(.88)(.95)