The average length of the eight words Betty was asked to spell was 9 letters. The first seven words had the following lengths: 8 letters, 9 letters, 6 letters, 10 letters, 7 letters, 9 letters, and 11 letters. What was the length of the eighth word?

9 * 8 = ?

Add the number of letters in the first seven words. Subtract that sum from the product above.


To find the length of the eighth word, we need to know the total length of all eight words and subtract the sum of the lengths of the first seven words.

The average length of the eight words is 9 letters, so the total length of all eight words is 9 * 8 = 72 letters.

The sum of the lengths of the first seven words is 8 + 9 + 6 + 10 + 7 + 9 + 11 = 60 letters.

To find the length of the eighth word, we subtract the sum of the lengths of the first seven words from the total length of all eight words: 72 - 60 = 12 letters.

Therefore, the length of the eighth word is 12 letters.

To find the length of the eighth word, we need to use the information given.

The average length of the eight words is 9 letters.

To find the average, we add up the lengths of all the words and divide by the total number of words:

Sum of lengths = 8 letters + 9 letters + 6 letters + 10 letters + 7 letters + 9 letters + 11 letters
= 60 letters

Total number of words = 8

Average length = Sum of lengths / Total number of words
= 60 letters / 8
= 7.5 letters

Since the average length is 9 letters, and we know the lengths of the first seven words, we can find the length of the eighth word.

Sum of lengths of the first seven words = 8 letters + 9 letters + 6 letters + 10 letters + 7 letters + 9 letters + 11 letters
= 60 letters

Length of the eighth word = Average length * Total number of words - Sum of lengths of the first seven words
= 9 letters * 8 - 60 letters
= 72 letters - 60 letters
= 12 letters

Therefore, the length of the eighth word is 12 letters.