A point (-5, 4) is mapped onto (-1, -1) by a translation. Find the image of (-4, 5) under the same translation.

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This is so simpe

Take 0.5

To find the image of (-4, 5) under the same translation, we need to determine the translation vector first.

The translation vector represents the amount of horizontal and vertical shifts needed to map one point onto another.

Given that the point (-5, 4) is mapped onto (-1, -1), the translation vector can be determined by subtracting the coordinates of the original point from the coordinates of the image point:

Translation vector = (x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
= (-1 - (-5), -1 - 4)
= (4, -5)

Now that we have the translation vector, we can apply the same translation to the point (-4, 5) by adding the translation vector to its coordinates:

Image point = (-4 + 4, 5 + -5)
= (0, 0)

Therefore, the image of (-4, 5) under the given translation is (0, 0).

To find the image of (-4, 5) under the same translation, we need to understand how translations work.

A translation is a geometric transformation that moves every point of an object in the same direction and distance. In this case, we know that the point (-5, 4) is mapped onto (-1, -1) by the translation.

To find the translation vector, we subtract the coordinates of the original point from the coordinates of its image:
Translation vector = (x₂ - x₁, y₂ - y₁) = (-1 - (-5), -1 - 4) = (4, -5)

Now that we know the translation vector, we can apply it to the point (-4, 5) to find its image.

Translation of a point = (x + translation vector x-coordinate, y + translation vector y-coordinate)

Image of (-4, 5) = (-4 + 4, 5 + (-5)) = (0, 0)

Therefore, the image of (-4, 5) under the same translation is (0, 0).