headline from the Past:

Hiram Rhodes Revels Elected as First African-American Senator!
headline from modern times:
United States Elects First African-American President, Barack Obama

How are the two events described in the headlines above similar?

Two African-Americans were elected to high U.S. government office.

The two events described in the headlines are similar in that they both represent significant milestones in African-American political achievements.

To understand how they are similar, we need to analyze the information provided in both headlines. In the first headline, we learn that Hiram Rhodes Revels was elected as the first African-American Senator. This event occurred in the past (the exact date is not mentioned), indicating that it was a noteworthy historical moment. The second headline announces the election of the first African-American President, Barack Obama, in the United States. This event took place more recently (although the exact date is not provided) and is also recognized as a groundbreaking moment in American history.

By examining the headlines, we can infer that both events involve the election of individuals belonging to the African-American community to prominent political positions. In both cases, these individuals achieved significant "firsts" by breaking racial barriers and making history.

In summary, the similarity between the two events is that they both mark the election of African-Americans to historically significant political positions, representing important advancements in African-American political achievements.