a restourant offers a new promotion of 20% off the original price of the cheese pizzas,which is 12.befor the promotion 250 pizzas were sold each day.after the promotion the sale of pizzas increases an average of 18% more per day.how much more or less does the restourant make each dayin pizza sales after the promotion?

18% more pizzas, 20% less per

250*1.18 * 12*0.80 = 2832

To find out how much more or less the restaurant makes each day in pizza sales after the promotion, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Calculate the original price of the cheese pizzas before the promotion.
The cheese pizza's original price is given as 12, and the promotion offers a 20% discount. We can calculate the original price by dividing the discounted price by 0.8 (since 100% - 20% = 80%).

Original price = 12 / 0.8 = 15

So, the original price of each cheese pizza before the promotion was 15.

Step 2: Calculate the total sales before the promotion.
The restaurant sells 250 pizzas each day before the promotion, and the original price is 15.

Total sales before the promotion = 250 pizzas/day * 15 USD/pizza = 3750 USD/day

Step 3: Calculate the average increase in sales after the promotion.
The promotion states that the sales increase by an average of 18% per day after the promotion.

Average increase in sales = 18%

Step 4: Calculate the total sales increase after the promotion.
To calculate the total sales increase, we need to multiply the average increase in sales by the original total sales.

Total sales increase after the promotion = Average increase in sales * Total sales before the promotion
= 18% * 3750 USD/day
= 0.18 * 3750 USD/day
= 675 USD/day

Step 5: Calculate the new total sales after the promotion.
The new total sales after the promotion can be calculated by adding the total sales before the promotion and the total sales increase after the promotion.

New total sales after the promotion = Total sales before the promotion + Total sales increase after the promotion
= 3750 USD/day + 675 USD/day
= 4425 USD/day

Step 6: Calculate how much more or less the restaurant makes each day in pizza sales after the promotion.
To find out how much more or less the restaurant makes each day after the promotion, we subtract the new total sales from the total sales before the promotion.

More or less sales after the promotion = New total sales after the promotion - Total sales before the promotion
= 4425 USD/day - 3750 USD/day
= 675 USD/day

Therefore, the restaurant makes $675 more per day in pizza sales after the promotion.

To calculate the increase or decrease in pizza sales after the promotion, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the original price of the cheese pizza

The promotion offers a 20% discount on the original price, which was $12. So we can calculate the original price as follows:

Original price = $12 / (100% - 20%) = $12 / 80% = $15

Step 2: Calculate the number of pizzas sold after the promotion

Before the promotion, 250 pizzas were sold each day. After the promotion, the sale of pizzas increases by 18%. So, the number of pizzas sold after the promotion can be calculated as follows:

Number of pizzas sold after promotion = 250 + (18% of 250) = 250 + (0.18 * 250) = 250 + 45 = 295

Step 3: Calculate the revenue from pizza sales before and after the promotion

To calculate the revenue, we multiply the number of pizzas sold by the price per pizza.

Revenue before promotion = 250 * $12 = $3000
Revenue after promotion = 295 * $15 = $4425

Step 4: Calculate the difference in revenue

To find out how much more or less the restaurant makes each day in pizza sales after the promotion, we simply subtract the revenue before the promotion from the revenue after the promotion.

Difference in revenue = Revenue after promotion - Revenue before promotion
= $4425 - $3000
= $1425

Therefore, the restaurant makes $1425 more each day in pizza sales after the promotion.