you have to design a space station (model) that has a 120 cm3 volume, and it has to have the possible smallest surface area. it must contain 3 different shapes. (cone and sphere surface are was not covered, only their volume, so they are out....we can calculate the area of rectangles,triangles, circle, area and surface of cylinder, cube, prisms, pyramids with those bases.. ) my guess is it has to have a cylinder body and at the two end a square based shape with the smallest height possible?

I am still leaning to have on one end a sphere (half sphere, the same radius as the cylinder), even though we cannot officially calculate the surface, just based on the knowledge that the sphere is the most "compact" shape and will have the smallest surface for sure, without actually calculating it..
but i do not know how to calculate to make it "the smallest possible" surface.. any thoughts? Please..

if you google "cylinder minimum surface area" , you will find that a can whose height is equal to its diameter is the minimum surface area

a "most compact" sphere fits inside, touching the cylindrical wall and the two ends

it has to be made out of 3 different shapes, though.I am not sure if i put shapes inside it completely,it will be acceptable..

To design a space station model with the smallest possible surface area and a volume of 120 cm³, you can use a combination of three different shapes. Let's break down the problem and find the solution step by step:

1. Start with a cylinder for the body: A cylinder has the smallest surface area compared to other shapes like cubes or prisms with the same volume. This is because a cylinder has two circular ends and a curved surface, which can minimize the total surface area.

To find the height and radius of the cylinder, we need to consider the volume constraint of 120 cm³. The volume formula for a cylinder is V = πr²h, where r is the radius and h is the height. We need to find the values that satisfy V = 120 cm³ and minimize the surface area.

2. Add two square-based shapes at the ends: You are correct in suggesting a square-based shape at each end. These shapes will complete the space station model and help minimize the surface area.

To determine the size of the square-based shape, we need to consider the least possible height that would still allow us to attach it to the cylinder. Since we want to minimize the surface area, choose a height for the square-based shape that is as small as possible while still allowing it to be attached to the cylinder.

3. Optionally, use a half sphere at one end: You mentioned using a half sphere at one end. While a sphere is the most compact shape, we cannot calculate its surface area directly. However, based on the knowledge that the sphere has the smallest surface area among all shapes for a given volume, you can use a half sphere with the same radius as the cylinder.

Calculating the exact dimensions to achieve the smallest possible surface area requires some optimization techniques and may involve solving an optimization problem with constraints. However, you can make an educated estimate by considering a cylinder with a minimum height and radius, along with square-based shapes at the ends.

Remember, the goal is to minimize the surface area while meeting the volume requirement. With this information, you can sketch and create a model of your space station following these principles.