The vertices of triangle abc are a(2,-5) b(-3,5) c(3,-3)

the triangle is reflected over the x axis. use arrow notation to describe the original triangle and it reflection.

just change the sign of y

for example a'(2, +5)

To describe the original triangle and its reflection over the x-axis using arrow notation, we need to determine the coordinates of the reflected vertices.

The reflection over the x-axis involves flipping the triangle vertically, which means the x-coordinates remain the same, but the y-coordinates change signs.

Original Triangle:
To describe the original triangle using arrow notation, we can start from vertex A and move in a clockwise direction:

A (2,-5) ➔ B (-3,5) ➔ C (3,-3)

To find the coordinates of the reflected vertices, we change the sign of the y-coordinates while keeping the x-coordinates the same. Let's apply this transformation to each vertex:

Reflected Triangle:
Starting from the reflected image of A and moving in a clockwise direction:

A' (2,5) ➔ B' (-3,-5) ➔ C' (3,3)

So, using arrow notation, the original triangle can be described as:
A (2,-5) ➔ B (-3,5) ➔ C (3,-3)

And the reflected triangle can be described as:
A' (2,5) ➔ B' (-3,-5) ➔ C' (3,3)