I need help with this problem. I have to use the distributie property to write the expression without parantheses, then simplify if possible. It's been awhile since ive done this and I think i will understand once I see how it is written out. Thanks to anyone who replies.



Multiply everything in the ( ) by -4.

-4+8m-4n + 4
Note the sign changes
Now gather terms. Check me

you have to bring the -4 into each number that is in the parenthesis by multiplication.

so you do -4 x 1, -4 x 2m, and -4 x n
you should get -4 + 8m - 4n

then add on the 4 at the end so you get
-4 + 8m -4n + 4

it simplifies to 8m - 4n since the positive and negative fours cancel

post back if u don't understand

To write the expression without parentheses using the distributive property, you need to distribute the -4 to each term within the parentheses.

Let's go step by step:
Start with the expression -4(1-2m+n)+4

First, distribute -4 to 1 within the parentheses:
-4 * 1 = -4

The expression now becomes -4 -4(2m-n)+4

Next, distribute -4 to -2m:
-4 * -2m = 8m

The expression now becomes -4 + 8m -4(n) + 4

Finally, distribute -4 to n:
-4 * n = -4n

The final expression without parentheses is -4 + 8m - 4n + 4

To simplify further, combine like terms:
-4 + 4 = 0
-4 + 4m - 4n

The simplified expression without parentheses is 8m - 4n.