At a school Christmas party, the entire school population was treated. 60 boxes each containing 30 cupcakes were ordered. Each class received 2 boxes in equal distribution. 3 cupcakes were given to each child. What was the total population of the school , plus 25 teachers and 1 principal ?

Want to say 206 or 10,826


Do this question one small step at a time. I would suggest highlighting the important information and omitting the irrelevant information.
So... 60 boxes and each class gets 2 boxes. So 60 divided by 2 = 30 classes
Each box has 30 cupcakes, 30 cupcakes x 2 boxes = 60 cupcakes per class
Each child receives 3 cupcakes, 60/3 = 20 kids per class.
20 kids in each of the 30 classes = 600 kids
Now add on the 25 teachers and 1 principal
600 +25 +1 = 626 at the school.
Too bad the teachers and principals don't get to eat any cupcakes.
And only in math class can you give each child THREE cupcakes to eat and no one blinks an eye and says... "WOW that is too many to feed a child"

To find the total population of the school, we need to determine the number of children first.

Since each class received 2 boxes of cupcakes, and each box contains 30 cupcakes, the total number of cupcakes distributed to each class is 2 * 30 = 60 cupcakes.

If each child received 3 cupcakes, we can divide the total number of cupcakes by 3 to find the number of children: 60 cupcakes / 3 cupcakes per child = 20 children per class.

If there is one principal and 25 teachers in the school, the total number of staff members is 1 + 25 = 26.

To find the total population, we can multiply the number of classes by the number of children per class and add the number of teachers and the principal: total population = (number of classes * number of children per class) + number of teachers + 1 (principal).

If we assume there is only one class in the school, the total population would be (1 * 20) + 26 + 1 = 47.

However, if there are multiple classes in the school, we need to know the number of classes to calculate the total population accurately.