What is the union of X and Y?

X. (3,5,9) Y. (5,10,15)

Is the answer 5?

The Union of two sets are all those elements that belong to one set OR the other.
so X U Y = {3,5,9,10,15}

The answer is not just 5. The union of sets X and Y includes all elements that belong to either set. In this case, set X contains the elements 3, 5, and 9, while set Y contains the elements 5, 10, and 15. Therefore, the union of X and Y (X U Y) would be a set containing all the elements from both sets combined.

To find the union of two sets, you need to combine all the unique elements from both sets into a single set. In this case, since 5 appears in both sets, we only include it once in the union. So the union of X and Y would be {3, 5, 9, 10, 15}.

Therefore, the answer is not only 5, but also includes the elements 3, 9, 10, and 15.